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Portland Explorations
Exploring Portland through people, food and culture!
Jeep Build - The Breakdown
Our Jeep blew a piston and left us stranded on the side of an Alaskan highway.
Jeep Build - Overview
We lived in the Jeep for 3 years! Here's an overview of its features and capabilities.
Jeep Build - Building a Base Platform
We ripped the rear seats out to make a living area in our Jeep
Jeep Build - Adding Onboard Water to your Rig
How we added onboard water to the undercarriage of our Jeep
Jeep Build - Ursa Minor J30 Rail System
We added storage rails to the outside of our Jeeps Ursa Minor J30
Jeep Build - Ursa Minor J30 Buyers Guide
Some helpful tips when buying an Ursa Minor J30.
Jeep Build - Ursa Minor J30 Review
Our review of the Ursa Minor J30 rooftop tent, for the Jeep JKU
Van Build - Building the Frame with 80/20
An overview of how we built our Ford Transit Van with 80/20
Chatting with an Active Fire Watch Tower Lookout
We stumbled across a manned fire lookout tower!
Congaree Synchronous Fireflies
Congaree is one of two National Parks that feature synchronous fireflies!
A Day Trip to Congaree National Park
A small and under appreciated National Park has a mosquito meter.
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Your Adventure Guide
discover historical markers, interpretive signs, and local stories, wherever you go!