Build-on vs. Adventure-on Mindsets

Balancing career-driven productivity and passion-fueled adventures

Wes Vance
July 15, 2024

Build On

For the past 3-4 years, I’ve been in a "build-on" mindset. I scaled back my flexible consulting work and took on a full-time job. Concurrently, I’ve been nurturing my own ideas, like ExploreHere | Audio Guide, and crafting playbooks with Jase. During this period, I've clocked in 60+ hours of work each week.

Since most of my projects are passion-driven, I manage to sidestep burnout effectively.

My first app lets you explore Historical Markers on your travels!

I've felt substantial professional growth. In this time, I’ve gained a business partner and friend, developed numerous playbooks, compiled a versatile set of utilities and components that I carry into each new project, created half a dozen apps, supported my wife in booking significant acting roles, and built a solid financial investment pool.

However, I failed to build community, grow roots in Atlanta, or immerse myself in the big city's offerings. I never attended an Atlanta FC MLS game or joined many meetup groups. But, the biggest issue is, my passion lies in making Apps that Inspire Adventure, and it’s really hard to build adventure when I’m not adventuring myself.

Adventure On

I find myself happiest and healthiest in an "adventure-on" mindset. I'm flexible, open to new experiences, and keen on personal growth. In this state, I find myself more present, absorbing new information at a faster pace. Tim Ferriss, author of "The 4-Hour Workweek," calls this a mini retirement.

I’ve had a lot of adventures! Visited 42 US National Parks, backpacked through Europe, bikepacked in Denali, and studied in Cuba.

Map of my travels in the US

Ironically, I’ve built a lot in this adventure-on mindset: outfitted a Jeep, built a van from the ground up, started a blog, designed [National Park Posters]. Yet, most of these projects were for my personal enjoyment with minimal business intentions. They were born out of passion.

It’s really hard to find time to build with precision when I’m out adventuring.

The Conundrum

Since graduating, I've oscillated between these two mindsets: build or adventure. Transitioning from one to the other has often been challenging. Build | Adventure | Build.

Now, as I prepare to move from Atlanta, GA to Santa Fe, NM, I'm at a crossroads. After three years of intensive building, it's time for a change. My initial inclination was to revert to an adventure-on mindset; however, I'm still eager to advance ExploreHere and collaborate with my business partner. So, after a decade of alternating between these phases, I’m going to try my hand at a balanced life; one that harmonizes building and adventuring.

I aspire to join communities, plant roots, engage in the arts, all while continuing to build and grow professionally. Hopefully, this balance will ultimately accelerate my building efforts, as fostering a community and living a full life will undoubtedly enrich my development ideas.